Kuwait Jobs | Hiring for leading Maintenance projects in Refinery, Petrochemical & oil & gas projects in Kuwait. Shortlisting is in progress, Client Interview in 1st week of October 2022 in Chennai. All candidates must hold Kuwait maintenance experience & KSE Card is Compulsory for Engineer Categories. All Interested candidates can rush their CVs & all relevant documents to the email address provided by the Consultants.
Job Positions:
- Engineer (B.e/ B.tech in Mechanical Engineering) – Maintenance Planning/ Mechanical Maintenance/ Rotating Equipment/ Welding & Fabrication/ Materials
- Supervisor (Diploma in Mechanical Engineering) – Rotating Equipment/ Valve Shop/ Welding & Fabrication/ Bench Fitter/ Machinist/ Rigging
- Rotating Equipment Mechanic / Asst. Rotating Equipment Mechanic
- Foreman Mechanical Maintenance
- Bench Fitter
- General Fitter
- Balance Machine Operator
- 6g Tig & Arc Welder (Cs/ss)
- Tool Technician
- Pipe Fabricator
- Tool Room Attendant
- Machinist
- Aluminium Fitter
- Engineers & supervisors must hold a minimum of 8+ years of experience
- Foremen must hold 10+ years of experience.
- General fitter & rotating equipment mechanic must hold 8+ years of experience rest of all positions must hold 6-10 years of experience
Eligibility: All Candidates must hold Kuwait Maintenance experience & should be qualified in their respective disciplines.
Salary Descriptions: Attractive salary with other essential benefits provided by the Company.
Note: All Interested candidates can rush their CVs & all relevant documents to the email address provided by the Consultants.
Job Location: Kuwait
Job Image:

Hiring Organisation:
Consultant Name: Asia Power Consultants
Address: 28 Aarti Arcade, 86, Dr. Radhakrishnan Road, Myalapore, Chennai – 600 004
Contact: + 91 044 43470610 / 80150 19467
Email: chennai4@asiapower.co
Apply for Hospital Jobs in Saudi Arabia
To apply for this job position please send your updated Cv, education certificate, experience certificate, and copy of the passport in PDF format to the given email address. Don’t forget to mention the job position in the email subject line.
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