Kuwait McDonald’s jobs | Hiring for Maintenance & Service crew

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Kuwait McDonald’s jobs | A McDonald’s outlet in Kuwait is hiring clients for Maintenance and service crew job positions. The direct client interview will be on 1/3/2022 at Cochin & Chennai. Clients will be having immediate departure after the selection. Interested candidates can check the details given below and apply accordingly.



  • Maintenance crew
  • Service crew
Kuwait McDonald's jobs | Hiring for Maintenance & Service crew

Requirements: Need good communication skills. Freshers are also eligible to apply with hotel management qualifications. 2 doses of covishield vaccinated only considered.

Benefits: Attractive Salary + Food Allowance + Accommodation + Transportation + OT

Age: 21-27

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Consultancy: VOLTECH

Contact: +91 8939837029 / +91 9092090084

Email: jerrygeorge@voltechgroup.com || thanigaivel.k@voltechgroup.com


To apply for this job position please send your updated Cv, education certificate, experience certificate, and copy of the passport in PDF format to the given email address. Don’t forget to mention the job position in the email subject line.

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