Abroad Jobs | Hiring for a leading facility management Company – UAE

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Abroad Jobs  Hiring for a leading facility management Company - UAE

Abroad Jobs | Urgently Hiring for a leading facility management company in UAE. All Candidates should have experience in the gulf in their relevant fields of minimum 4-8 Yrs of Experience. Vacancy for HVAC Technician in Faclity Management projects. Attractive salary with other essential facilities provided by the Company. Client Interview in Mumbai & Trichy on 22nd & 24th of September 2022. All Interested candidates for shortlisting, Kindly Rush their CVs & all related documents to the email address provided by the Consultants.

Job Positions:

  1. Senior HVAC Technician – Minimum 08 Yrs of Working Experience.
  2. HVAC Technician – Minimum 04 Yrs of Experience.

Experience: All Candidates should have experience in their relevant fields of minimum 4-8 Yrs of Experience.

Eligibility: All Candidates must have ITI / Diploma in their relevant positions.

Salary Description: Attractive Salary along with all other benefits provided by the Company.

Note: All interested candidates can rush their CVs & all relevant documents to the recognized email address provided by the Consultants.

Job Location: UAE

Hiring Organisation:

Interview in Mumbai on 22nd September 2022:-

Consultants Name: Al Hudaif HR Consultancy

Address: 1 Floor, E Building, S.V Road, Khira Nagar, Santacruz West, Mumbai- 400054

Contact: 81692 08593 / 84339 81092 / 022 26606123.

Email: cv@alhudaifhr.com

Interview in Trichy on 24th September 2022:-

Consultants Name: Smart Consultancy

Address: 268/6, DRK Complex, Crawford, Trichy. 620012

Contact: 9952917294 / 9566295690

Email: cv@alhudaifhr.com

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To apply for this job position please send your updated Cv, education certificate, experience certificate, and copy of the passport in PDF format to the given email address. Don’t forget to mention the job position in the email subject line.

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