Abroad Jobs | Urgently Hiring for leading Precast / Block Factory in Kuwait. Vacancies are in three Categories – Precast / Block Factory / Construction Field. Client Interview tomorrow 27th September 2022 at Chennai. Attractive salary with other essential facilities provided by the Consultants. All Interested candidates can send their CVs & all relevant documents to the email address provided by the Consultants.
Job Positions:
- Production Foreman
- Forklift Driver
- ELectrical Foreman
- Electrical Technician
- Mechanical Technician
- Helper (Age Last 32 Yrs)
Block Factory:-
- Mechanical Foreman
- Senior Mechanic
- Mechanical Technician
- Electrician Technician
- Electrical Supervisor
Construction Field:-
- Mason
- Helper (Age Last 32 Yrs)
Experience: All Candidates should have experience in their relevant fields.
Eligibility: All Candidates must have ITI / Diploma / Degree in their relevant positions.
Salary Descriptions: Attractive salary with other essential facilities provided by the Company.
Benefits: Free Accommodation & Transportation facilities provided by the Company.
Working Hours: 8 Hours + Over Time.
Note: All Interested candidates can rush their CVs & all relevant documents to the email address provided by the Consultants.
Job Location: Kuwait
Hiring Organisation:
Consultants Name: Lucky Travels Human Resources Solutions
Address: No. 409, A – Wing, 4th Floor, Dadoji Konddev Cross Marg, Byculla Service Industries Premises Co-op Society Limited, Near Rani Baug Bus Depot, Byculla East, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400027
Contact: 8248578251 / 7299792636
Email: jobsluckyt@gmail.com
Apply for the Gulf Jobs For Maintenance Projects in Saudi Arabia
To apply for this job position please send your updated Cv, education certificate, experience certificate, and copy of the passport in PDF format to the given email address. Don’t forget to mention the job position in the email subject line.
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