Free Recruitments | Want for Marine Company – UAE

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Free Recruitments | Want for National Marine Dredging Company in UAE. Vacancies are in very large numbers, Face to Face or Virtual Interviews will be conducted for shortlisted candidates in the month of September only. For Shortlisting, All Candidates can send their CVs & all relevant documents to the email address provided by the Consultants.

Job Positions:

  1. Project Directors – Dredging
  2. Dredging Managers
  3. Project Managers
  4. Work Managers
  5. Senior Dredge Masters
  6. Superintendent – Projects / Technical / Dedge / Rockwork / Dredging.
  7. Engineer – Senior Procurement / 2nd Engineer / Electrical / Tug Chef / Senior Coastal / Site / Planning / Production / Watch Keeping / Project / Dredging production / Procurement / Contracts / Control.
  8. Cost Estimators
  9. Quantity Surveyors
  10. Dredge Masters
  11. Tug Skipper / Masters
  12. Watchkeeping Engineers
  13. Sandfill Masters
  14. Reclamation Managers
  15. Master / CO / CE / 2E.
  16. Tug Chief Officer
  17. Multi Cat Skippers
  18. Dredge Electricians
  19. Cutter Captains
  20. Sandfill Supervisors
  21. Waterboss

Experience: All Candidates should have 5 yrs of experience in their relevant fields.

Eligibility: All Candidates must have ITI / Diploma in their relevant fields.

Age Eligibility: 45-50 Yrs.

Salary Descriptions: Attractive salary with other essential facilities provided by the Company.

Note: All Interested candidates can rush their CVs & all relevant documents to the given email id.

Job Location: UAE

Job Image:

Free Recruitments  Want for Marine Company - UAE

Hiring Organisation:

Consultant Name: Indman Management Consultants Pvt. Ltd

Address: 41-B, Excel Building, Road No. 2, Azad Nagar , Office – Veera Desai Road , Andheri West, Mumbai – 400053


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To apply for this job position please send your updated Cv, education certificate, experience certificate, and copy of the passport in PDF format to the given email address. Don’t forget to mention the job position in the email subject line.

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