Gulfwalkin Mumbai | Mumbai Gulf job office vacancies

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Gulfwalkin Mumbai | Job vacancies by Mumbai Gulf job office for Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, and Bahrain. Shortlisting is in progress, final client interview is in Mumbai. Please check the details and apply.

A large number of job vacancies for Construction companies, Oil & Gas projects, Fast food chain companies, Travel agencies, Bapco Company, and Malls/ Hotels/Hospital Maintenance projects in Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, Oman, and Bahrain.

Gulfwalkin Mumbai

Construction Company Jobs – Jordan

Construction Company Jobs - Jordan

Urgent requirements for a construction company in Jordan, shortlisting in progress. Client interview on 5/6/7 January 2023 in Mumbai.

Oil & Gas Jobs – Saudi Arabia

Oil & Gas Jobs - Saudi Arabia

Urgently required for Hadi Hamad Al Hammam Holding company for their Oil & Gas project in Saudi Arabia. Client interview on 7th January 2023 at Mumbai, and 8th/9th January 2023 at Jangam (Odisha).

Saudi / Kuwait / Qatar Job Vacancies

Saudi / Kuwait / Qatar Job Vacancies

Various companies in Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Kuwait is hiring for multiple job positions. All the interested candidates with related experience please apply through email or call on the given number for more details.

Apply for – Catering & Event management co. Kuwait

Job Vacancies for Oman

Job Vacancies for Oman

Bapco Contractor Company – Bahrain

Bapco Contractor Company - Bahrain

Urgently required for a Multinational company for Bapco Contractor in Bahrain. Visa ready, departure in 20 days, final interview in progress. Interested candidates, please visit the office for Cv submission.

Khidmah Company – Damman, Saudi Arabia

Khidmah Company - Damman, Saudi Arabia

Urgent requirements for Khidmah company for their Malla, Hotels, Hospital, and School maintenance project in Saudi Arabia.

Apply Process

To apply for any job position please send your updated Cv, education certificate, experience certificate, and copy of the passport in PDF format to the given email address. Don’t forget to mention the job position in the email subject line.

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