ITL (International Trade Links) | Job opportunities for the Oil & Gas / Offshore project / Engineering & Construction / Operation & Maintenance company in Abu-Dhabi and Saudi Arabia. Vacancies are in large numbers.
To apply for any of the job positions mentioned in the images, please send your Cv to the respective email address or contact for more information.
Oil & Gas jobs in Abu-Dhabi
Urgent requirements for Oil & Gas construction project in Abu-Dhabi. Long-term project. Shortlisting is in progress, client interview shortly.
Operation & Maintenance jobs in Saudi Arabia
Urgent Requirements for Operation and Maintenance Project in Saudi Arabia. Attractive salaries food, accommodation, and transportation are provided by the company.
Jobs for Structural Engineers in Saudi Arabia
A leading Offshore company is hiring Structural Engineers in Saudi Arabia. Candidates with Aramco or Offshore experience can apply.
Employment job for Saudi Arabia
Apply Process
Please click on “Apply Online” link to apply the job on Gulf Rojgaar website OR To apply for any job position please send your updated Cv, education certificate, experience certificate, and copy of the passport in PDF format to the given email address. Don’t forget to mention the job position in the email subject line.
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