Job Description
Job openings for a leading Oil & Gas Company in Saudi Arabia, Client interview in Mumbai, Only Shortlisting candidates called for interview in our office.
Oil & Gas Company in Saudi Arabia
Job Positions:
- Fabricator
- Heavy Driver
- Heavy Equipment Diesel Mechanic
- CS Welder
- Loader Operator
- Auto Denter
- Oil Man
- SS Welder
- Forklift Operator
- Store man
- Hydrojetter
- Crane Operator
- Maintenance Supervisor
- Machinist
- Rigger-1
- Scaffolding Inspector
- Electrician
- Rigger-3
- Scaffolding Supervisor
Terms & Conditions:
- Indian or Gulf experiences accept
- Drivers & Operators Saudi licenses valid or expired preferred
- 08 Hrs Duty / Day
- Age Limit 22 – 45 below
- ECR & ECNR Passport Accept
- Accommodation & transportation Provided Company
- Other benefits as per Saudi labor law
Job Location: Saudi Arabia
Industry: Oil & Gas
Salary: N.A
Also, Apply for – Free Recruitment for Saudi, Dubai, Abu-Dhabi, and Qatar
Apply Process
If you have already a Jobgulf account please, log in to your account and apply directly. If you want to apply via email, please send your Cv and supporting documents in a single PDF to the given email address (Don’t forget to mention job position in the email subject).
यदि आपके पास पहले से जॉबगल्फ अकाउंट है, तो कृपया अपने अकाउंट में लॉग इन करें और सीधे आवेदन करें। यदि आप ईमेल के माध्यम से आवेदन करना चाहते हैं, तो कृपया अपना सीवी और सहायक दस्तावेज एक ही पीडीएफ फाइल में दिए गए ईमेल पते पर भेजें (ईमेल के सब्जेक्ट में जॉब पोजीशन जरूर लिखें)