Job Description
Urgent Requirements for Qatar for the following job positions are given below. Interested candidates with related experience please check details and apply.
Urgent Requirements for Qatar
Job Positions:
- Project Manager: Minimum 10 Years Experience in Operation & Management of Garage Maintenance and Repair of Heavy-duty Trucks and Equipment, Bachelor Degree of Science in Mechanical Engineering.
- Mechanical Equipment Technician
- Diesel Mechanic Technician
- Vehicles & Equipment Electronic Technician
- Vehicles & Equipment Electrical Technician
- Marine Mechanic Technician
- Welding Technician
- Ac Technician
- Electronics Techn
- Electrician Techn.
- Diesel Mechanic Foreman
- Foreman
- Vehicles & Equipment Electrical Foreman
- Denter
- Upholsterer
- Storekeeper
- Painter
Requirements: Must have relevant qualifications and experience.
Job Location: Qatar
Also, Apply for – Want for Saudi Arabia & UAE
Apply Process
If you have already a Jobgulf account please, log in to your account and apply directly. If you want to apply via email, please send your Cv and supporting documents in a single PDF to the given email address (Don’t forget to mention job position in the email subject).
यदि आपके पास पहले से जॉबगल्फ अकाउंट है, तो कृपया अपने अकाउंट में लॉग इन करें और सीधे आवेदन करें। यदि आप ईमेल के माध्यम से आवेदन करना चाहते हैं, तो कृपया अपना सीवी और सहायक दस्तावेज एक ही पीडीएफ फाइल में दिए गए ईमेल पते पर भेजें (ईमेल के सब्जेक्ट में जॉब पोजीशन जरूर लिखें)