Jobs Abroad | Latest job vacancies for Kuwait, UAE, Qatar, Oman, Bahrain, and Saudi Arabia. A large number of job openings for multiple companies. Interested candidates, please check the details and apply.
Jobs Abroad
Urgent requirements for Equate Shutdown Project in Kuwait, National Petroleum Construction Company in UAE, Oil & Gas Companies in Qatar & Oman, Shipyard in Bahrain & Saudi Arabia, and M/s Inaya Facility Management Services Company in Dubai.
Equate Shutdown Requirements | ISCO – Kuwait
Equate Shutdown Requirements | Free recruitments for Equate Shutdown Project (ISCO) in Kuwait. A large number of job vacancies – Client interviews in Chennai.
National Petroleum Construction Company – UAE
Urgent Requirements for National Petroleum Construction Company (NPCC) in UAE. Hiring for Semi Govt company Long-term Yard Project. Client Interview in Chennai.
Qatar & Oman Vacancies
Job vacancies for Shutdown Project in Qatar and Long-Term Project in Oman. Interested candidates please check details and apply.
Jobs for Shipyard in Saudi Arabia & Bahrain
Urgent requirements for Shipyard in Saudi Arabia and Bahrain. Client interviews in Mumbai, Vizag, Baroda, and Surat.
M/s Inaya Facility Management Services – Dubai
Urgently Required for a Leading M/s Inaya Facility Management Services LLC in Dubai (UAE). Immediate Visa Processing and Mobilization – Final client interview in Trichy.
Apply Process
If you have already a Jobgulf account please, log in to your account and apply directly. If you want to apply via email, please send your Cv and supporting documents in a single PDF to the given email address (Don’t forget to mention job position in the email subject).
यदि आपके पास पहले से जॉबगल्फ अकाउंट है, तो कृपया अपने अकाउंट में लॉग इन करें और सीधे आवेदन करें। यदि आप ईमेल के माध्यम से आवेदन करना चाहते हैं, तो कृपया अपना सीवी और सहायक दस्तावेज एक ही पीडीएफ फाइल में दिए गए ईमेल पते पर भेजें (ईमेल के सब्जेक्ट में जॉब पोजीशन जरूर लिखें)
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