Qatar Jobs | Urgently required for a 5-star hotel in Qatar, Client Interview on 08th September 2022, Shortlisted in progress, Attractive salary with benefits provided by the Company. All Candidates should have minimum 3-4 yrs of experience in same fields, Candidates have good Communication skills. All Interested candidates can send their CVs & all relevant documents to the email address provided by the Consultants.
Jobs Positions:
- Laundry Manager / Coordinator
- Housekeeping Attendant
- F&b (Waiters)
- Laundry / Room Attendant
- Valet Light Driver (Must Have Qatari Lic Valid/ Expired)
Experience: All Candidates should have minimum 3-4 yrs of experience in same fields.
Eligibility: All Candidates must have ITI / Diploma in their relevant fields.
Salary Descriptions: Attractive salary with other essential facilities provided by the Company.
Note: All Interested candidates can send their CVs & all relevant documents to the email address.
Job Location: Qatar
Job Image:

Hiring Organisation:
Consultants Name: Trans Asia Integrate Services
Address: 204, Abba Residency, Opp, Railway Stn. Trans Asia Ingeshwari (West), M
A Jogeshwari (West), Mumbai – 400 102
Contact: 022 4208 8888
Apply for the Gulf Walkin in Saudi Arabia
To apply for this job position please send your updated Cv, education certificate, experience certificate, and copy of the passport in PDF format to the given email address. Don’t forget to mention the job position in the email subject line.
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