Rolex Travel | Requirement for Samaya group – Saudi

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Rolex Travel | Urgently requirement for Samaya group in Saudi Arabia, Client Interview at Jamshedpur on 29th August 2022, Vacancies are in very large numbers, Attractive salary with other benefits provided by the Company. All Candidates must have ITI / Diploma with 5-7 yrs experience in Maintenance. All Interested candidates Can report with their CVs & all relevant documents to the office address provided by the Company.

Job Positions:

  1. HVAC Technician: 100 Nos | Salary 1400-1500
  2. Boiler Operator: 80 Nos | Salary 1300-1400
  3. Electrical Technician: 80 Nos. | Salary 1300-1400
  4. Central & Network Tech: 30 Nos | Salary 1400 – 1500
  5. Mechanical Technician: 50 Nos. | Salary 1400 – 1500
  6. Electronic Technician: 50 Nos. | Salary 1300-1400
  7. Fire Fighting Technician: 50 Nos. | Salary 1400 – 1500
  8. Car Mechanic: 50 Nos | Salary 1400 – 1500
  9. Maintenance Plumber: 30 Nos. | Salary 1200-1300
  10. Washing Machanic Tech: 10 Nos. | Salary 100 – 1200
  11. Elevator Mechanic: 10 Nos. | Salary 1400-1500
  12. Water Pump Operator: 30 Nos. | Salary 1400 – 1500
  13. Medical Gas Tech: 30 Nos. | Salary 1400 – 1500
  14. Auto Electrician: 30 Nos. | Salary 1400 – 1500
  15. Water Desalination Plant Opt: 20 Nos. | Salary 1300-1400
  16. Mason: 25 Nos. | Salary 1200 – 1300
  17. Sewage Purification Tech: 30 Nos | Salary 1300-1400

Experience: All candidates should have experience in gulf of 5-7 Years in their relevant fields.

Eligibility: All Candidates must be ITI / Diploma.

Salary Descriptions: Attractive salary as mentioned in the Job Image.provided by the Company.

Benefits: Free Fooding, Transportation, Medical, Accommodation & Overtime provided by the Company.

Note: All Interested candidates are requested to report office addresses & query with given Contact.

Job Location: Saudi Arabia

Job Image:

Rolex Travel  Requirement for Samaya group - Saudi

Hiring Organisation:

Consultant Name: Rolex Travels Services

Address: Road No 2 Old Purulia Road Zakirnagar West, masjid gali, near Abu Bakar, Mango, Jamshedpur, Jharkhand 832110

Contact: 9006734600 / 7209927139

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To apply for this job position please send your updated Cv, education certificate, experience certificate, and copy of the passport in PDF format to the given email address. Don’t forget to mention the job position in the email subject line.

इन नौकरियों की पद के लिए आवेदन करने के लिए अपने अपडेटेड सीवी, शिक्षा प्रमाण पत्र, अनुभव प्रमाण पत्र, और पासपोर्ट की कॉपी Pdf फॉर्मेट में दिए गए ईमेल पते पर भेजें। ईमेल के सब्जेक्ट में नौकरी की पद का उल्लेख करना न भूलें।

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