Gulf Walkin | Urgent Required for Saudi Arabia, Vacancies are in large numbers, All applicants must have Engineering Degree holders in the respective field with minimum 10+ years of related experience in Construction Project Management in Projects for Oil&Gas / Refinery /Petrochemical/Chemical. ARAMCO EXPERIENCE Preferred. Suitable candidates, please send your updated CV to the given Email
Job Positions:
- Site Superintendent (Civil)
- Engineer 1 (Pipelines)
- Mechanical Engineer (Piping/Electrical)
- Eng I (Electrical/ Instrument)
- Eng III (Civil)
- Engineer III (Security Systems) – Electronics & Communication or Telecommunication
- Engineer III (IT) – Electronics & Communication or Telecommunication engineering
- Sr.Inspector (Civil/Architectural, Plumbing/HVAC, Electrical, Instrumentation)
Experience: All Candidates should have experience in the respective field with minimum 10+ years of related experience in Construction Project Management in Projects for Oil&Gas / Refinery /Petrochemical/Chemical.
Eligibility: All applicants must have Engineering Degree holders in their respective fields.
Salary Descriptions: Attractive Salary provided by the Company.
Benefits: Attractive salary with other benefits provided by the Company.
Note: All Interested candidates can send their CVs & all relevant documents to the email address provided by the Consultants.
Job Location: Saudi Arabia
Job Image:
Hiring Organisation:
Consultants Name: International Trade Links
Address: Queen mansion, 3rd floor, 44 Amrit Keshav Nayak Marg, Behind Khadi Gramodyog, Fort, Mumbai – 400001
Email / Contact:
MUMBAI – / 43607777/730
TRICHY 7+919746799953
Apply for Skyworld Jamshedpur recruitments for Kuwait & Abu Dhabi
To apply for this job position please send your updated Cv, education certificate, experience certificate, and copy of the passport in PDF format to the given email address. Don’t forget to mention the job position in the email subject line.
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