Warehouse worker | Supermarket Romania – 200 Nos

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Urgent requirements for Warehouse worker for a leading Supermarket chain in Romania. One-year work permit renewable, loading-unloading, cleaning, scanning, etc.

Warehouse worker Job Details

Job Position: Warehouse worker

Quantity: 200 Nos

Salary: 600-750 Euro (per month)

Terms & Conditions:

1.Contract period/duration1 Year (Renewable)
2.Work LocationWarehouse & Production premises of the cooperative
3.Working Hours per day8 to 10 hours per day
The average working time is 40 hours per week and 8 hours per day. Maximum legal working time is 48 hours per week, including overtime. 
4.Working Hours per week5.5 days per week
5.ShiftMust be able to work Day or Night Shifts
6.AccommodationShared accommodation will be provided on the campus of the cooperative.
Utilities payment will be charged to the worker as per consumption
7.Local transportationProvided by the company
8.FoodMeals can be purchased at production cost from the Cooperative
9.Medical & InsuranceProvided by the Company as per Romania Labour Law
10.Work uniformProvided by the Company
11.Other benefitsProvided by the Company as per Romania Labour Law

Job Location: Romania

Qualification: Basic English speaking is required.

Interview: Client interview on 04 January 2023 at New Perfect Technical Institute, 2a, South Mada Street, Padi, Chennai-50

Contact: 7305729992 / 7305291235 / 7305529992

Also, Apply – Warehouse worker jobs in Saudi, UAE, Qatar

Hiring Organization

Consultancy Name: New Perfect Technical Institute

Office Address: 2a, South Mada Street, Padi, Chennai-50

Apply Process

To apply for any job position please send your updated Cv, education certificate, experience certificate, and copy of the passport in PDF format to the given email address. Don’t forget to mention the job position in the email subject line.

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